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Key Terms

ChapterThe basic unit of play; a scene dictated by a player on their turn to drive the story forward
JournalThe grid of dry erase cards containing all of the suspects and clues important to the case
SuspectA character with a card in the journal. Each suspect can turn out to be the culprit and/or the victim
ClueA piece of evidence on a card in the journal. Can be physical evidence, a conversation someone had, the weather, or anything else that pertains to the case
QuestionThe space in the journal between a suspect and a clue; the Sleuth moves between questions
AnswerA link between a suspect and a clue, written in the answer pad and marked with a numbered answer token in the journal.
KillerThe game piece in the journal that represents the influence of the murderer
SleuthThe game piece in the journal that represents the influence of the detective once the investigation begins
CulpritThe murderer, as determined at the end of the Investigation and proven during the Summation
VictimThe murdered character, discovered at the end of The Lead-Up
TableauPlaying cards already drawn this round. These should be arranged by rank for easy reference.
RotThe twisted secret at the heart of the case
PerilA token placed on suspects and answers by the killer during the investigation
PlotAn attempted murder that may happen when adding peril to a suspect
Case FileA playset that includes a character table, causes of death, and crime scene clues